인도 동북부와 버마 북부 카친주에서 연합군과 일본군 / 버마 전선 초반전 (시작) - 버마 로드와 일본군 정보부의 간계 / 시시각각 랑군으로 다가오는 일본군 - 버마 전선 초반전 / 수도..

2023. 1. 24. 03:48유용한 정보/군사소식

버마 전선 초반전 (시작) - 버마 로드와 일본군 정보부의 간계


Aug 23, 2021
태평양전쟁 초반 일본군의 전략 목표에 들어 있지 않았던 버마.
그러나 버마 로드를 막을 필요가 있던 일본은 어떤 계책을 생각해 내는데...





시시각각 랑군으로 다가오는 일본군 & 일본군 항공기 코드명의 유래 -

버마 전선 초반전

Aug 26, 2021

초반부터 혼란 속에 빠진 버마의 영국군은 쾌속 진격해 오는 일본군을 맞서는데 버거움을 느낍니다.


그리고 랑군 폭격에 참가한 일본군 폭격기에는 왜 Sally라는 여성 이름이 붙었는지 알아보겠습니다.


수도를 지키는 마지막 방어선에서의 전투 & 장개석의 등장 - 버마 전선 초반전

Aug 29, 2021

영국군은 진격해 오는 일본군을 막기 위해 시탕(Sittang)강에서 다리 하나를 놓고 결전을 치르고 위기에 빠진 버마를 구하기 위해 장개석이 개입하는데...



버마 전선 초반전 (최종) - 수도 점령 이후의 2차례 전투

Sep 1, 2021

수도 랑군을 점령한 일본군은 곧 북진을 시작하고 영국군, 중국군과 전투가 벌어집니다. 과연 어떻게 진행되었을까요? 





2차 세계대전 동남아 버마 북부 전선  연합군과 일본군

The Stilwell Road - 1945 WWII Ledo Road Ronald Reagan 80720 HD

The movie was narrated by Ronald Reagan( Former US President)


Sep 9, 2014

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The Stilwell Road는 1945년 미국 전쟁 정보국과 영국 및 인도 영화 단위에서 제작한 선전 영화로, 미국 장군 Joseph Stilwell의 이름을 따서 Stilwell Road라고도 알려진 Ledo Road의 생성을 자세히 설명합니다. 이 영화는 고 미국 대통령 로널드 레이건이 나레이션을 맡았다. 영화는 영화가 정글에 도로를 건설하는 것 이상의 의미를 갖는다는 메시지와 함께 시작됩니다. 그것은 또한 스코틀랜드인, 아일랜드인, 영국인, 미국인, 아프리카인, 인도인, 중국인이 전쟁에서 승리하기 위해 함께 노력하는 이야기이며, 이제 그들이 평화로운 전후 세계를 승리하기 위해 협력할 준비가 되어 있다는 것입니다.


The Stilwell Road was a propaganda film produced by the American Office of War Information and the British and Indian film units in 1945 detailing the creation of the Ledo Road, also known as the Stilwell Road after the U.S. General Joseph Stilwell. The movie was narrated by Ronald Reagan. The film opens with a message telling the audience that the film is about more than the building of a road in the jungle; it is also the story of Scots, Irish, English, Americans, Africans, Indians, and Chinese working together to win the war, and that they are now ready to work together to win a peaceful post war world as well.


1시간 길이의 이 영화는 중화 민주주의 군대와 미군(전술 제14 공군 및 '마터호른 작전'의 전략 XX 폭격기 사령부)에 보급품을 공급하는 버마 캠페인과 버마 도로의 중요성에 주로 집중합니다. 일본의 지배에 저항하기 위해 서방 연합국이 소련에 공급하는 것을 유지하기 위해 페르시아 회랑을 개방해야 했던 것과 거의 같은 방식입니다. 그러나 그곳의 군대는 가혹한 지형과 몬순에 맞서는 영국은 버마 족과 일본 군의 연합으로 1942년 초에 쫓겨났습니다. 여전히 아쌈과 영국령 인도에서 일하고 있는 연합군은 스틸웰 장군과 장제스에게 보급품이 일본군에 의해 단절된 버마 도로를 대신해서 계속 보급되도록 노력하고 있는 장면이다.


The hour-length film concentrates mostly on the importance of the Burma Campaign and the Burma Road in supplying Chinese nationalist army and American forces (the tactical Fourteenth Air Force and strategic XX Bomber Command of "Operation Matterhorn") in the Republic of China with supplies to resist Japanese domination, in much the same way Persian Corridor needed to be kept open to keep the USSR supplied by the Western Allies. But the forces there have confront harsh terrain and monsoons and are driven out in early 1942. Still, working in Assam and British India, the Allies work to keep supplies flowing to General Stilwell and Chiang Kai-Shek by making the Ledo Road which replaced the severed Burma Road.


또한 1943년 일본의 실패한 인도 침공과 점진적인 버마 재탈환도 다룬다. 이 영화는 미국에서 가장 큰 역사적 군사, 운송 및 항공 스톡 동영상 컬렉션 중 하나인 Periscope Film LLC 아카이브의 일부입니다. 완전히 영화로 뒷받침되는 이 자료는 24p HD로 라이선스를 받을 수 있습니다.


Also covered are Japan's abortive invasion of India in 1943 and the gradual retaking of Burma. This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD.


For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com




왜 미국은 버마와 인도에서 전쟁을 했는가?

Why the US is fighing in Burma & India (World War 2 - Restored - 1945)


Dec 2, 2013
스틸웰 장군의 뒤를 이어 버마/인도 작전의 연합군 사령관이 된 다니엘 술탄 장군이 영화 '우리가 여기 있는 이유'를 보고했습니다. 설문조사에서 미군의 50%는 유럽이나 널리 알려진 섬 전역이 아닌 '중화 민국과 대영제국을 구하기 위해 싸우는' 모호해 보이는 동남아시아에 있는 이유를 모른다고 응답했습니다. 남태평양. 이에 대한 응답으로 장군은 매력적인 영화 클립과 지도를 통해 중화민국을 전쟁에서 유지하는 것의 중요한 전략적 중요성과 영국군과 중화민국 국군의 필수적인 역할(및 희생)을 보여줍니다.

This film report, "Why We're Here," was delivered by General Daniel Sultan, who succeeded General Stilwell as Allied commander of Burma/India operations. When surveyed, 50% of US forces had responded that they didn't know why they were in seemingly obscure South East Asia, "fighting to save the Chinese and the British Empire," instead of in Europe or the highly publicized island campaigns in the South Pacific. In response, the General shows the vital strategic importance of keeping China in the war and the essential role (and sacrifices) of British and Chinese forces, all done through engaging film clips and maps.


모든 미군이 자랑스러워할 만한 새로운 스틸웰 로드와 자유 중국으로 향하는 석유 파이프라인의 장엄한 건설과 중요성도 자세히 보여줍니다. 마지막으로, 이 모든 것을 실현하는 데 있어 병참 지원 부대와 병원 직원이 수행하는 필수적인 역할이 강조됩니다. 이 영화와 더 많은 정보를 '제2차 세계 대전 중 스틸웰 로드와 중국-버마-인도 캠페인' DVD에서 얻으십시오. http://bit.ly/WGFGCZ


The epic construction and importance of the new Stilwell Road and petroleum pipeline to China are also shown in detail, something all US troops could be proud of. Finally, the essential role played by logistical support units and hospital personnel in making it all happen is emphasized. Get this film and more on our "The Stilwell Road and the China-Burma-India Campaign in World War 2" DVD. http://bit.ly/WGFGCZ






"China Burma India Theater" 73162


Jun 6, 2015

Browse our products on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2YILTSD Love our channel? Help us save and post more orphaned films! Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm Even a really tiny contribution can make a difference. Created in 1951, "Crusade in the Pacific" was an early television documentary that remains one of the most comprehensive looks at the Pacific Campaign on land, sea and air. In 24 separate 30 minute episodes, "Crusade" journals the War through tons and tons of basically uncensored stock footage, along with the timeless voice of Westbrook Van Voorhis. This episode of Crusade in the Pacific, "The War in the China-Burma-India Theatre" examine early Chinese resistance to Japan prior to World War II and U.S. efforts to assist them. In order to get supplies to China, the U.S. must use an overland route through Burma.


The Japanese cut off this route when they take control of Burma after the battle of Toungoo. Later, Allied forces push back against the Japanese and found the Ledo route as an alternative route to supply China. Although the Chinese resist the Japanese their efforts to mostly result in a bloody stalemate. We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example like: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference." This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k.


For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com







582K subscribers


Jun 1, 2016

Support Our Channel : https://www.patreon.com/PeriscopeFilm Made in 1945, BURMA VICTORY is a British documentary about the Burma Campaign during World War Two. It was directed by Roy Boulting.


The introduction to the film outlines the geography and climate of Burma, and the extent of the Japanese conquests. The film then describes the establishment of the South East Asian Command (SEAC) under Mountbatten, "a born innovator and firm believer in the unorthodox", and gives a comparatively detailed account of subsequent military events, including the Battle of Imphal-Kohima and Slim's drive on Mandalay, Arakan landings, the northern offensive of the Americans and Chinese under Stilwell, and the roles played by Chindits and Merrill's Marauders. The film ends with the capture of Rangoon and the Japanese surrender. The film focuses on the difficulties of climate, terrain, the endemic diseases of dysentery, malaria, etc., the vital role of air supplies, the shattering of the myth of Japanese invincibility and the secondary role of the Burma campaign in overall Allied strategy.


This film represents a British look at the campaign and was the pet project of Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander, South-East Asia, and he planned it as a joint Anglo-American production. But this scheme foundered over the inability of the U.S. leadership and British to agree on the main theme of the film. The British wanted it to concentrate on the drive southwards to liberate Burma. The Americans, anxious not to be seen to be participating in the restoration of the British Empire, wanted to emphasize the heroic building of the Ledo Road and the drive northwards to relieve the Chinese. In the end the two sides went their separate ways.


The Americans produced the Ronald Reagan narrated film "The Stilwell Road" and the British made "Burma Victory." It was the final production of the Army Film and Photographic Unit (AFPU) and was directed, like Desert Victory (1943), by Roy Boulting. Not released until after the war was over, it was hailed and promoted as ‘the real Burma film’. The Burma Campaign in the South-East Asian theatre of World War II was fought primarily between the forces of the British Empire and China, with support from the United States, against the forces of the Empire of Japan, Thailand, and the Indian National Army. British Empire forces peaked at around 1,000,000 land, naval and air forces, and were drawn primarily from British India, with British Army forces (equivalent to 8 regular infantry divisions and 6 tank regiments),[29] 100,000 East and West African colonial troops, and smaller numbers of land and air forces from several other Dominions and Colonies.[5]


The Burmese Independence Army was trained by the Japanese and spearheaded the initial attacks against British Empire forces. The campaign had a number of notable features. The geographical characteristics of the region meant that factors like weather, disease and terrain had a major effect on operations. The lack of transport infrastructure placed an emphasis on military engineering and air transport to move and supply troops, and evacuate wounded. The campaign was also politically complex, with the British, the United States and the Chinese all having different strategic priorities. South East Asia Command (SEAC) was the body set up to be in overall charge of Allied operations in the South-East Asian Theatre during World War II.


Admiral Lord Louis Mountbatten served as Supreme Allied Commander of the South East Asia Command from October 1943 through the disbandment of SEAC in 1946. We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example like: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference." This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit





The Battle of Imphal-Kohima | Greatest Battle of Britain | World War Cemeteries in India


Aug 11, 2020

This video is about The Battle of Imphal-Kohima. A Second World War battle happened in India. It was voted as Britain’s greatest battle by the National Army Museum in London This video also explains about the World War Cemeteries in India. Video Footage Used : Why We Fight (United States Office of War Information) Video Uploaded by InfoBytes





'Battle of Kohima 1944 WW2 - A Naga Peoples' perspective'

26K subscribers


Apr 5, 2019

Today the 75th year of the Battle of Kohima, here's a Full Documentary on 'The Battle of Kohima - As the Naga People Saw It.' Produced By the Kohima Educational Trust KET, and Edited by Highland Dawn Media, Kohima, Nagaland. Produced by Highland Dawn Media, Nagaland https://highlanddawnmedia.com/





The Battle of Imphal


Jun 21, 2017

The History Guy remembers the forgotten history of the World War II battle of Imphal, also known as India's Thermopylae. The History Guy uses images that are in the Public Domain. As photographs of actual events are often not available, I will sometimes use photographs of similar events or objects for illustration.






보너스- 조지 패튼 장군 일대기-narrated by 로날드 레이건 전 US 대통령 



Hosted by actor Walter Matthau and narrated by Ronald Reagan

보너스- 조지 패튼 장군 일대기- narrated by 로날드 레이건 전 US 대통령 



Dec 22, 2022

Hosted by actor Walter Matthau and narrated by Ronald Reagan, this special episode of "The Big Picture" profiles one of the great generals of the 20th Century


-- George S. Patton. George Smith Patton, Jr. (November 11, 1885 – December 21, 1945) was a United States Army general, who commanded the Seventh United States Army in the Mediterranean and European Theaters of World War II, but is best known for his leadership of the Third United States Army in France and Germany following the Allied invasion of Normandy. Born in 1885 to a privileged family with an extensive military background, Patton attended the Virginia Military Institute, and later the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.


He participated in the 1912 Olympic Modern Pentathlon, and was instrumental in designing the M1913 "Patton Saber". Patton first saw combat during the Pancho Villa Expedition in 1916, taking part in America's first military action using motor vehicles. He later joined the newly formed United States Tank Corps of the American Expeditionary Forces and saw action in World War I, first commanding the U.S. tank school in France before being wounded near the end of the war. In the interwar period, Patton remained a central figure in the development of armored warfare doctrine in the U.S. Army, serving in numerous staff positions throughout the country. Rising through the ranks, he commanded the U.S. 2nd Armored Division at the time of the U.S. entry into World War II.


Patton led U.S. troops into the Mediterranean theater with an invasion of Casablanca during Operation Torch in 1942, where he later established himself as an effective commander through his rapid rehabilitation of the demoralized U.S. II Corps. He commanded the Seventh Army during the Invasion of Sicily, where he was the first allied commander to reach Messina. There he was embroiled in controversy after he slapped two shell-shocked soldiers under his command, and was temporarily removed from battlefield command for other duties such as participating in Operation Fortitude's disinformation campaign for Operation Overlord. Patton returned to command the Third Army following the invasion of Normandy in 1944, where he led a highly successful, rapid armored drive across France.


He led the relief of beleaguered U.S. troops at Bastogne during the Battle of the Bulge, and advanced his army into Nazi Germany by the end of the war. After the war, Patton became the military governor of Bavaria, but he was relieved of this post because of his statements on denazification. He commanded the Fifteenth United States Army for slightly more than two months. Patton died in Germany on December 21, 1945, as a result of injuries from an automobile accident there twelve days earlier. Patton's colorful image, hard-driving personality and success as a commander were at times overshadowed by his controversial public statements. His philosophy of leading from the front and his ability to inspire troops with vulgarity-ridden speeches, such as a famous address to the Third Army, attracted favorable attention.


His strong emphasis on rapid and aggressive offensive action proved effective. While Allied leaders held sharply differing opinions on Patton, he was regarded highly by his opponents in the German High Command. A popular, award-winning biographical film released in 1970 helped transform Patton into an American folk hero. We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example like: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference." This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k.


For more information visit http://www.PeriscopeFilm.com